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The Frederick County Democratic Central Committee is not taking a position on the Questions on the ballot. We have researched them and share this information that may help you decide.

  • Question 1 - CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT - Declaration of Rights - Rights to Reproductive Freedom
    (Info taken directly from
    Maryland voters will have the opportunity to cast their ballot on the Reproductive Freedom referendum on Tuesday, November 5. A YES vote on Question 1 will amend Maryland’s constitution to ensure that everyone has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including the right to abortion access and birth control.

    Our Note: The ballot options do not include "YES" or "NO" for Question 1. Instead, the options are "FOR the Constitutional Amendment" or "AGAINST the Constitutional Amendment." A "yes"(FOR) vote supports amending Maryland's constitution. A "no" (AGAINST) vote opposes amending the state constitution.
  • Question A - CHARTER AMENDMENT - Change in Budget and Finance, Supplemental Appropriation procedure
  • Question B - CHARTER AMENDMENT - Change in Appointment and Removal of Department Heads and Others

    We drafted a one-page document with more information about the charter amendment questions. You can access it here.
    You can also read two articles written by the Frederick News-Post. The first article from June is here, and the second one early October is here.

Democratic Party HQ

Our new headquarters is located at 8 West 5th Street, Frederick. Our hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 10 AM to 8 PM. Stop in to pick up campaign signs and materials, phone bank, donate, and more!

Project 2025

Per Democracy Forward and many other credible sources, leaders, and analysts, "Project 2025 is among the most profound threats to the American People."

What Democracy Forward discovered was a "systemic, ruthless plan to undermine the quality of life of millions of Americans, remove critical protections and dismantle programs for communities across the nation, and prioritize special interests and ideological extremism over people.

The Heritage Foundation and the 100+ organizations that make up the Project 2025 Advisory Board have mapped out exactly how they will achieve their extreme ends. They aim to try and carry out many of the most troubling proposals through an anti-democratic president and political loyalists installed in the executive branch, without waiting for congressional action. And, while many of these plans are unlawful, winning in court is not guaranteed given that the same far-right movement that is behind Project 2025 has shaped our current court system."

The Frederick County Democratic Party hosted a Town Hall on this topic. You can watch a video replay here, and you can review Democracy Forward's summary guide* here.

* We are not endorsing Democracy Forward's summary guide. We only suggest it for your review.

Frederick County Democratic Party Gala 2024

Thank you to everyone who helped make our Annual Gala a success. We appreciate your continued support. Congratulations are again in order for our honorees: Outstanding Democrat - Tony Soltero, Rising Star - Tomas Reyna, Stephen A. LeRoux Legacy Award - Nina Rollins, and Outstanding Volunteer - Richard "Kap" Kaplowitz. You can view our program book here, and our event photos here.

Note: If you want to use any of the photos, please attribute our photographer, Marc Weinberg. He holds the copyright to all images.

Statement on the Indictment of Sheriff Chuck Jenkins

Friday, 7 April 2023

Frederick County Democratic Party’s Statement on the Indictment of Sheriff Chuck Jenkins

Like many Frederick County residents, we are dismayed to read about the pending Federal criminal charges facing Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins.

Moreover, we are further dismayed to learn that Sheriff Jenkins will not be taking a leave of absence pending the outcome of this criminal investigation and ensuing disposition of the charges.

Over the years, it has been common practice for FCSO deputies to be suspended/placed on leave pending the resolution of criminal charges and investigations. Why does Sheriff Jenkins not believe he should follow the same behavioral standards as those who report to him?

The residents of Frederick County deserve leadership that is open, transparent, and operates with integrity. True leaders hold themselves to the same code of conduct as those they lead. By refusing to take a leave of absence, Chuck Jenkins will force the FCSO to operate under a continuing cloud of uncertainty and controversy, which is no way for an entity entrusted with public safety to operate.

The Frederick County Democratic Central Committee expects Chuck Jenkins to place himself on a leave of absence, pending the resolution of Federal criminal charges.


UPDATE: Sheriff Jenkins went on a leave of absence as of the close of business on 14 April. We are glad he did so because it was the right thing to do.

Become a Trustee

After an exciting and successful 2022 gubernatorial election cycle, Frederick County Democrats are on the leading edge toward delivering better futures for the people in our county and beyond! To keep this momentum going and achieve even further success, we ask you to become a Frederick County Democratic Trustee. Trustees are local Democrats like you who help with substantial and reliable financial contributions of at least $1,000 annually. Donations go toward assisting Democratic candidates up and down the ballot; other Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts, and Frederick County Democratic Party visibility.

You can get more details here, including payment options and our ever-growing list of esteemed Trustees.

Statement on the 2022 Elections

The Frederick County Democratic Party extends our thanks to Board of Elections members, the Board’s staff, and all volunteers for their hard work during the 2022 elections. During both the primary and general elections, we heard of no significant issues where the staff failed to act promptly and properly. And, while the canvassing of the mail-in and provisional ballots took several days, we have complete confidence that it was performed in a highly professional manner, ensuring the accuracy of the final vote tallies.

We also thank the voters for exercising their right to vote, the most fundamental right undergirding our democracy. Democracy is not a spectator sport. We Democrats believe that all eligible citizens must have access to the right to vote, and every legal vote must be counted. We believe that the people’s decisions must be respected, even if they do not favor of our candidates.

We appreciate and thank our candidates who stepped into the political ring this year. You showed a heart for service and campaigned with dignity and class. Finally, and most importantly, we appreciate the efforts of local leadership, staff, and volunteers to ensure that Frederick County’s elections continue to be fair and transparent.

"Democrats Deliver" Yard Signs

The Frederick County Democratic Central Committee is selling "Democrats Deliver" yard signs. Get one delivered with a donation of $20, or make arrangements to pick one up for $8 with exact cash or check, or by making an online contribution using the "contribute" button.

If you want us to deliver one, please click on the "Contact Us" tab and enter your contact information. We'll then have someone call you and provide the delivery date. Please put any special instructions in the comments field (i.e., put the sign in the yard near the mailbox).

Upcoming Events - Calendar

  • (FCDP) Frederick County Democratic Party Monthly Meeting

  • (WDL) Women's Democratic League Monthly Meeting

  • Presidential General Election Early Voting


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